On behalf of Marist Asia Foundation, the Marist Team, and the Burmese Migrant Community in Ranong, we thank you for your continued support and encouragement.
We wish you a safe and possibly more enjoyable year ahead in 2021.
Each year we share a couple of reports to our Funders and Supporters. We hope you may enjoy seeing the smiles and information about the past year.
2020 was full of challenges, and yet we are able to share some great signs of hope with our education and health programmes for our Burmese Migrant Community in Ranong.
We managed to increase from 90 to 180 students and do more community health education for HIV despite all the challenges of covid around us.
Good relationships with the Thai government, Burmese Migrant Community, and fantastic staff manage to overcome so many problems.
We keep sharing weekly news on our Facebook page if you ever wish to see more regularly some photos and stories.
Thanks again everyone.